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BecomeMore Blog

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stir-fry in a dish

2 min read

Are You Treating Your Team Like They’re Crockpot Employees—When They’re Really a Stir-Fry?

Last week I was chatting with my friend Dorothy about work things. Coworkers and bosses and getting stuff done. “My boss told me one day that I’m a Crockpot employee,” Dorothy said. When she had a skeptical reaction, he hurried to explain: “I can...

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4 min read

When the Change Guru Has Change Thrust Upon Her. What Could Go Wrong?

When your company name is BecomeMore—you’re in the change business. And that’s a really great gig … most of the time.

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2 min read

Does Everyone on Your Team Have the Same Definition of Success?

A few weeks ago, the BecomeMore Group team members spent several days at an off-site workshop planning for 2024. And by "off-site" I mean "Florida!"...

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2 min read

The Water Level is Lowering: Are Your Teams Ready?

In lean manufacturing the concept of lowering the water level to expose the rocks can force teams to identify and eliminate wastes. This water level...

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window box with annual plants

2 min read

How to Grow Leaders

It’s the end of the growing season here where I live, and this week I was cleaning out my garden containers after a hard frost had finished off what...

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2 min read

When protecting your team hurts, not helps

Protecting my team members from baloney. That’s what I used to think was one of my most important jobs as a leader. I’d do whatever I could to keep...

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1 min read

A Leader’s Output: Is It Process or People?

Congratulations! You have been tagged by your boss to lead a group of people or a project. How exciting! The higher-ups have noticed your potential...

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1 min read

When your coworker does that inexplicable thing

“What were they thinking?!” As a career coach, I hear that a lot when people describe to me an incident in their workplace. Someone has done...

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Talent Optimization - Predictive Index - PI - BecomeMore

1 min read

Can Drywall really fix the workplace?

In my previous role, I helped clients with their offices – it was my goal to make them as functional and beautiful as possible. If you are going to...

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