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Michael Peterson

2 min read

Your Hedgehog Concept - Are You All Aligned to It?

MBA Capstone Mini-Series 3 of 8: Strat of Strategy Week 1: Definition of Accountability; Output of a Leader Week 2: Three Strategies for Activating Your Company Values

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1 min read

3 Strategies for Activating Your Company Values

MBA Capstone Mini-Series 2 of 8: 3 Strategies for Activating your Company Values

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2 min read

A New Definition for Accountability and the Output of a Leader

As I enter the capstone course of my University of Iowa MBA program – the Strategic Business Growth (SBG) – I want to use this as an opportunity to...

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2 min read

Continuous Improvement for your existing goals

As we close out February, it's becoming clear that much of our critical work has yet to gain traction. Despite our best intentions and plans, time...

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2 min read

📊 Challenging the Status Quo: Will Your Metrics Win You Your Super Bowl? 🏈

In the dynamic landscape of business, challenging the status quo isn't just a philosophy—it's a necessity for growth and innovation. This even...

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3 min read

Leadership Lessons from Today’s Snowstorm

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership and management, understanding one's inherent behavioral drives is like having a roadmap for professional...

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2 min read

The Water Level is Lowering: Are Your Teams Ready?

In lean manufacturing the concept of lowering the water level to expose the rocks can force teams to identify and eliminate wastes. This water level...

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2 min read

Leading Up the Ladder: The Power of Upward Leadership

In today's workplace, leadership is not just for those with direct reports. Whether you are a people leader or not, you have a role to play in being...

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