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Scott Burgmeyer

1 min read

Buckle Up: The Accelerating Pace of Change and How to Keep Up

Change. It's a constant we can all agree on. But lately, that constant feels like it's hitting the gas pedal. Right? Technological advancements, evolving customer needs, and a rapidly globalized world are pushing the rate of change into overdrive....

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1 min read

Change is a Teacher: Unveiling the Learning Opportunities Hidden Within

Change. It's a word that can evoke a range of emotions, from excitement to trepidation. But what if we reframed change not as a disruption, but as a...

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1 min read

Don't Panic, Plan: Why We Need to Think Before We React to Change

Change. It's a word that can trigger excitement, nervousness, or even full-blown panic. In every single sector I work with, change seems constant,...

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1 min read

Don't Wing It: Why Leaders Need a Plan for Change

Change is inevitable in today's business world. It's one of the topics clients want to discuss with me most often. New technologies emerge, customer...

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2 min read

Knowledge is Power: Why Reading, Listening, and Learning Fuel Your Impact as a Leader

Not too long ago, I was coaching a leader who felt like their contributions were less and less relevant in their organization. They had a long...

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A red paper boat pulls ahead of blue and green paper boats.

1 min read

The Tale of Two Teams: Development vs. Stagnation

Imagine two departments, Marketing and Sales, led by John and Sarah respectively. Both were ambitious and driven, but their leadership styles...

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1 min read

In Praise of Slowing Down: Why Thinking Before You Leap Leads to Success

In our fast-paced world, the pressure to constantly be "on" is immense. We rush from task to task, emails pile up, and to-do lists seem never-ending....

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1 min read

From Chaos to Calm: How Change Management Can Save the Day

Remember the Great Filing Fiasco of 2023? The one where the new digital filing system, hailed as a productivity booster, turned into a productivity...

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1 min read

Sharpen Your Leadership: Why Investing in Leaders Pays Off

Great leaders aren't born, they're made. And investing in leadership development isn't just about feel-good initiatives; it's a strategic move with a...

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1 min read

Don't Let Change Derail You: Why Effective Change Management Matters

Change is inevitable in business, but navigating it smoothly isn't always easy. I've worked with scores of companies that start new initiatives with...

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