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Scott Burgmeyer

Person driving past a beach and trees

2 min read

Taking the Wheel: Why Ownership and Personal Accountability Drive Success

This week I was coaching with a client—a C-Suite exec—who was frustrated that a member of her team seemed to be looking for directives instead of taking more initiative. "I just need her to take ownership of this," the exec said. Which got me to...

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1 min read

Beyond Efficiency or Quality: Why Lean Six Sigma is the Ultimate Powerhouse

In the world of business improvement, two methodologies reign supreme: Lean and Six Sigma. Lean focuses on eliminating waste and streamlining...

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1 min read

Why Growing Never Gets Old: The Lifelong Pursuit of Personal Growth

A lot of times, we associate growth with childhood—sprouting taller, shedding baby teeth, learning new things every day. I certainly was surprised...

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1 min read

From Impulse to Insight: Mastering the Shift from Lizard Brain to Logic Brain

We've all been there. Faced with a tempting slice of cake, a snap decision to hit snooze, or an impulsive online purchase, our actions seem fueled by...

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2 min read

Beyond the Desk: Why Building Relationships with Employees Matters More Than Ever

The office environment has undeniably changed. Remote work is on the rise, cubicles are giving way to collaboration spaces, and traditional...

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1 min read

The Leadership Myth: Why It's Okay for Leaders Not to Have All the Answers

Leaders are often portrayed as omniscient figures, possessing all the solutions and radiating unwavering certainty. But the reality? Leaders, like...

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1 min read

Buckle Up: The Accelerating Pace of Change and How to Keep Up

Change. It's a constant we can all agree on. But lately, that constant feels like it's hitting the gas pedal. Right? Technological advancements,...

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1 min read

Change is a Teacher: Unveiling the Learning Opportunities Hidden Within

Change. It's a word that can evoke a range of emotions, from excitement to trepidation. But what if we reframed change not as a disruption, but as a...

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1 min read

Don't Panic, Plan: Why We Need to Think Before We React to Change

Change. It's a word that can trigger excitement, nervousness, or even full-blown panic. In every single sector I work with, change seems constant,...

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1 min read

Don't Wing It: Why Leaders Need a Plan for Change

Change is inevitable in today's business world. It's one of the topics clients want to discuss with me most often. New technologies emerge, customer...

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