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Personal and professional growth

A red paper boat pulls ahead of blue and green paper boats.

1 min read

The Tale of Two Teams: Development vs. Stagnation

Imagine two departments, Marketing and Sales, led by John and Sarah respectively. Both were ambitious and driven, but their leadership styles...

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1 min read

In Praise of Slowing Down: Why Thinking Before You Leap Leads to Success

In our fast-paced world, the pressure to constantly be "on" is immense. We rush from task to task, emails pile up, and to-do lists seem never-ending....

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1 min read

Prioritize Your Way to Success: Why “What Matters Most” Trumps Capacity

A lot of times when I'm visiting an organization, I hear concerns about how much work there is to do and how people are having trouble doing it all....

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1 min read

Scaling Mountains: Mastering the Art of 1-on-1 Meetings

Imagine your workplace as a mountain range. Climbing each peak represents conquering different aspects of employee engagement. Regular 1-on-1...

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2 min read

360 Feedback: Your Mirror for Personal Growth and Career Success

Imagine having a personal development coach whispering invaluable insights into your ear. Well, 360-degree feedback does just that, but instead of...

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1 min read

Unleashing Engagement and Reducing Turnover with Recognition

You want people to feel valued. In fact, feeling valued is essential—especially at work. It's not just about a warm fuzzy feeling; leaders who make...

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1 min read

Feedback Flow: Turning Conversations into Team Triumphs

True success hinges on mastering the art of feedback, and it’s NOT just feedback from a leader to a team member. It's from team member to leader,...

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2 min read

The Power of Visualization: Transforming Goals into Reality

We all have goals that we want (and some we REALLY WANT) to accomplish. Many things prevent goal accomplishment: We don’t plan the work. The daily...

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Man on suspension bridge

2 min read

The Science Behind One-on-One Meetings: Building Bridges for Success

At this point in my career, I've attended a lot of one-on-one meetings. A. Lot. Sometimes I've been on the "leader" side of the desk, and sometimes...

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stir-fry in a dish

2 min read

Are You Treating Your Team Like They’re Crockpot Employees—When They’re Really a Stir-Fry?

Last week I was chatting with my friend Dorothy about work things. Coworkers and bosses and getting stuff done. “My boss told me one day that I’m a...

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