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Accepting organizational challenges

1 min read

Don't Panic, Plan: Why We Need to Think Before We React to Change

Change. It's a word that can trigger excitement, nervousness, or even full-blown panic. In every single sector I work with, change seems constant,...

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A picture of the tip of a sharpened pencil next to a hand-held pencil sharpener.

1 min read

Top 5 Areas Where Leaders Need to Sharpen Their Skills

Leadership is a constant journey of growth. While some people may be naturals at inspiring teams, there's always room for improvement. In my years as...

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1 min read

Prioritize Your Way to Success: Why “What Matters Most” Trumps Capacity

A lot of times when I'm visiting an organization, I hear concerns about how much work there is to do and how people are having trouble doing it all....

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4 min read

When the Change Guru Has Change Thrust Upon Her. What Could Go Wrong?

When your company name is BecomeMore—you’re in the change business. And that’s a really great gig … most of the time.

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1 min read

A Leader’s Output: Is It Process or People?

Congratulations! You have been tagged by your boss to lead a group of people or a project. How exciting! The higher-ups have noticed your potential...

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