Among the many things upended by the COVID pandemic, hiring has been one of the work-related processes that's taken a hit. Finding, hiring, and keeping top performers is harder now than it was before the word "coronavirus" joined our vocabularies. And employees have made it clear they want to call more of the shots when it comes to flexibility, working conditions, and advancement.
BecomeMore Group founders Tammy Rogers and Scott Burgmeyer recently chatted about these challenges—and what savvy employers can do to attract and retain great employees. Their comments appear in the June 2023 issue of Creative Retailer magazine.
The article offers five ways that leaders can think creatively to get more great candidates.
1. Flexibility. "What is the workforce asking for, and how could we meet them—even halfway?" Scott asks. "The labor force is saying, 'I want flexibility.'" Examine how your organization could be less stringent about some previous policies, such as lengths of shifts, how often employees get paid, or dress codes.
"It's a matter of what could we do, instead of what we've always done," Tammy says.
2. Buy-in. Think about how you can create opportunities for employees to feel like their work matters. "Talk about your job opening in terms of it having meaning in the world," Tammy says.
Innovation and efficiency are other ways to make your workplace stand out—and attract people who care about their work. Do you implement process improvement techniques to make your employees' time matter? Do you seek their feedback for how to improve your organization?
3. Career opportunities. Employees want to work at places where they feel invested in. How are you helping them gain skills and expertise?
4. Perks. Employee discounts, free parking, time off on your birthday ... Get creative about benefits.
5. The application process. The fastest way to discourage job candidates is to make them think you aren't all that excited about them. Instill the impression that people at your organization matter—even before they are employees. Make the hiring process as transparent and efficient as possible.
Shared with permission from Creative Retailer magazine. You can find more articles like this filled with tips to improve and grow your business at CreativeRetailer.com. Check out resources + subscribe today!