For several decades, I have attached to a book and philosophy called Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley. In this publication, Dr. Wheatley uses quantum physics, biology, and chaos theory to explain organizational concepts and develop leaders. I know that sounds complicated and heavy, but really it is not. Some of the major concepts that I have continued to remember and use from Dr. Wheatley are . . .
- relationships are what is most important (sometimes, Dr. Wheatley says that relationships is ALL there is) — relationships to people, to ideas, to things, to time.
- nothing moves in a linear fashion. Patterns form in chaos, and we can see and follow those patterns. Self-organization flourishes.
- and, change is the only true route to transformation.
I am not saying that Leadership and the New Science is better than the many current leadership development books. Actually, I have found that many newer writings have basis in some of the same concepts as Leadership and the New Science. They are often iterations, deeper developments — not linear thinking. And, I have found in my own growth, these concepts appear as iterations, deeper developments for me as a professional, a leader, a facilitator, a coach.
One of the concepts that I recently learned again is what a strong catalyst a relationship is. When workshops are finished and agreements come to an end, a client/participant often moves on. If the relationship is strong, they often will come back, reach out for additional development. Leaders cognizant of their own growth will reconnect to a relationship with a concept, an experience, a feeling of success, a community of learners.
It is my goal going into 2025 to keep relationships strong, to develop them deeper, to guide others to find the patterns in their chaos, and to help them become transformational leaders. I would challenge us all to do the same.
Happy New Year!