1 min read

Last week #PasterMike at #LutheranChurchofHope preached a GREAT sermon and I learned something new...
On Palm Sunday the people of Jerusalem crowded into the streets to see Jesus and shouted "Hosanna."
Hosanna literally means "save us." And I think that's what a lot of us have been thinking and feeling.
We're looking for something to save us from this pandemic. I know I am.
Today is Good Friday. And if you don't know -- Good Friday is the day that Christ was crucified and died. And just like on Good Friday -- this pandemic feels like things are just getting worse. And that might be true...
For awhile.
You see, that's the promise of this season. Easter is coming!
Easter, the most important Christian holiday, represents the day Christ rose from the dead. The Easter story doesn't end in despair and misery -- it paves the way for hope and salvation. And that's what we need to remember in the midst of this pandemic.
Easter is coming!
So consider this: The Easter for COVID-19 may not be THIS Sunday. There will however, BE a Sunday when we will be able to rise beyond COVID-19.